Sunday, May 31, 2009


It is my firm belief that The Joy Formidable add to the sum total of human happiness. Their EP is free to download. What have you got to lose?

Their show in Liverpool tonight was decently attended and they continue to make an impressive racket live.

The Joy Formidable live at Liverpool Barfly

The Joy Formidable live at Liverpool Barfly

Sunday, May 24, 2009

New In Town

I'm consistently impressed with Little Boots, both live and on record, so it was nice to get to shoot her again in Liverpool on Friday night. This time instead of just two photographers, the tiny pit was rammed - there must have been seven of us. Where were you last time, guys?

Little Boots live at Liverpool Academy

Little Boots live at Liverpool Academy

Monday, May 18, 2009

Paris Is Burning

Not really the finest set from Ladyhawke last night at the Academy, but nice to have a pass again. Also secured one for the Joy Formidable in a couple of weeks time, looking forward to shooting them again.

Monday, May 11, 2009

Wouldn't It Be Nice

Today has been one of those "if it could go wrong, it did" days, from every angle. The usual range of minor catastrophes at work, coupled with being told I could shoot Eric Clapton on Wednesday, followed by the caveat "from the soundboard" which excludes me on the grounds that I don't habitually carry a 400+mm lense (not normally that handy in a pit), followed by a gig that I couldn't attend because Northern Rail replaced the last train home with a bus and the band were only coming on late to start with, leads me to believe that today is in some way cursed.

*shakes fist at sky impotently*