Despite my cynicism over Ms Boots "next big thing" status, I'm pleased to report that her show last night at the Night & Day was actually fantastic. She's a proper pop star and isn't afraid of it, talking about collaborating with Phil Oakey and doing a Giorgio Moroder cover pretty much nails your colours to the mast on that front. She suffered a technical problem mid-track, resulting in the mic cutting out - her reaction, which was to stand on the front of the stage, carry on singing, get the audience clapping along and generally play it without missing a beat, despite the presence of a film crew and a couple of photographers was downright commendable. One to watch, then.
Fantastic picture. You've got a real talent for this!
Thanks - was nice to get some good shots after a disappointing evening last Monday. Still to have anything published, mind! But it's still early days...
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