Not really the finest set from Ladyhawke last night at the Academy, but nice to have a pass again. Also secured one for the Joy Formidable in a couple of weeks time, looking forward to shooting them again.
I don't suppose you fancy giving some handy hints to a beginner?? (at least a newby to a decent camera). I've just got myself a G10 and working out how to make it work in gigs
Mike - thanks for your handy hints. I've just tried it out at Kristin Hersh
I hadn't read your note -so I did more or less the opposite and took most of them on Av mode with the ap set as close to 2.8 as I could manage, and TBH I think they look a bit flat / over exposed, although I haven't tried doing anything to them in Photoshop yet. Of course it might have helped if i had been nearer the front. Anyway, thanks for the tip, I'll keep plugging away Cheers Mike
That's very pretty :)
I don't suppose you fancy giving some handy hints to a beginner?? (at least a newby to a decent camera). I've just got myself a G10 and working out how to make it work in gigs
For basics, I'd just set it to auto, hi iso, no flash and hope for the best.
Other than that, I'd look at trying it in TV mode and trying to set the fastest shutter speed you can while still letting enough light in.
Mike - thanks for your handy hints. I've just tried it out at Kristin Hersh
I hadn't read your note -so I did more or less the opposite and took most of them on Av mode with the ap set as close to 2.8 as I could manage, and TBH I think they look a bit flat / over exposed, although I haven't tried doing anything to them in Photoshop yet. Of course it might have helped if i had been nearer the front. Anyway, thanks for the tip, I'll keep plugging away
Yeah, using AV is the other good option, and as close to 2.8 as possible, as you suggest. I use a 2.8 lense with my SLR.
With the G9 it definitely helps to be close.
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