Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Number One Enemy

Gig two of the week, Daisy Dares You at Oldham Library. I love the Get Loud in Libraries concept - hope to see more of these happen, if with slightly better lighting. ;)

Daisy Dares You

Shoots coming up this month include Peter Andre, Editors, Bad Lieutenant and 50 Cent...


mikehughesphoto said...

All I got was hair over her face. Think I lacked the confidence to just stand up in front of her, can't complain about light - http://picasaweb.google.com/catshoe/DaisyDaresYou# it was at Hoxton Bar and Kitchen last week

Also thought you might like this rubbish pic of you having your personal space invaded by one Ms R Bryan

Mike said...

I had a lot of photos that looked like Cousin It too. Didn't get too close. Shot at 200mm over the heads of the kids in the audience!