So, I picked up a 50D today. I shouldn't have, I know, but I figure once we move into the house, any hope of an ugrade will be out of the window. I've got a few shows lined up now, including a three day festival, so it's going to get plenty of use. First use in anger will likely be The Pretenders next week, quite possibly in combination with the new 70-200 f/2.8.
For now, all I can do is tool around in the garden with it. First impressions are very positive, especially the autofocus speed. A couple of test images are above.
your previous camera was a 350? I've been seriously thinking of getting either a used 350 or a new 450 with that £75 f1.8 lens. It is absolutely sod's law but I no sooner got the G10 than I started getting offers of photopasses, hence thinking that I should start looking at SLRs....
Looking forward to seeing what results you get out of your new toy!
A 450D, which I'm keeping around, make no mistake, it'll just be nice to be able to mount a short and a long zoom, and indeed have a backup for festivals.
I hear good things about the 500D in low light. I've got the f/1.8 50mm but have only used it once in anger at a show. Much better to get a mid-range zoom (Tamron and Sigma both do reasonably priced ones) at f/2.8 if you stretch to it. I use the 28-75mm f/2.8 Tamron and find it usable in almost all venues, range wise.
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