Shot Florence & The Machine again tonight. Despite reports of dodgy lighting on previous dates, we were given enough to work with this evening and I think I acquitted myself decently.
The set itself was good, although uneven, and quite a lot of the nuance of the record is lost in the live delivery. Compared to the crowd at St Phil's, I had to wonder how many of them really knew who Florence was, or whether they were there because she's received so much attention recently, as some of them didn't seem to be enjoying it.
The album remains one of my favourites of the year and at this point seems unlikely to be unseated. Here follows random notes, then. There's something about it that feels like a coherent whole record, so I'll overlook the dubious gender politics of Kiss With A Fist.
It could almost take that album of the year mantle for Blinding alone, which tonight was delivered with none of the album's subtlety and an unnecessary squall of feedback. It's a perfect ending song (not least because of the whispered "Someone's slipping through the hidden door"? part) but it didn't feel right tonight and I don't know why.
Nice pics over on Flickr. A friend of mine shot Newcastle and said the lighting was no-one's friend
I think we were lucky in Manchester, I'd heard the same things about the Leeds show.
Having said that, I shot Massive Attack this evening, and that was (no trip-hop pun intended) more than a little bit tricky..
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